audrey says ::

"i believe in over dressing. i believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. i believe in kissing, kissing a lot. i believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. i believe that happy people are the prettiest people. i believe that tomorrow is new day and i believe in miracles."

Friday, August 26, 2011

time to explore ...

... and discover something new.
today i traveled to Pittsboro, North Carolina for a site visit of the county's courthouse. the building is located in the center of a rather small, but extremely adorable town.
more specifically, it's stationed right in the middle of a traffic circle which makes it somewhat challenging to approach.
the courthouse suffered through a major fire, destroying most of its interior. the exterior was also damaged but not to the same extent. the building has not been in use since, and almost all the windows are boarded up for safety purposes.
though in better condition then its interior, some materials outside are still in bad shape and falling apart in the most inconvenient places.
as you can the exterior remains in good condition. its original structure is historically beautiful and only needs some TLC.
when you're outside the courthouse you think, "okay - it's not that bad. it actually looks pretty good!"
but then you walk in ...
everything in the interior of this building needs to be replaced without question ...
& i'm up for the challenge !!

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